Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Blog4 Simple Machines at Home.

In our science class, we have been talking about simple machines. We have been told to go home and take pictures of simple machines. These are the simple machines that i have around my house.

This is me outside my house pointing at the steps. The steps are an inclined plane. It makes life easier by walking up steps.

I am pointing at a doornob at my house. This is a Lever. it makes life easier by being able to open and close the door.

This is me pointing at a screw on a drawer nob. The screw is holding the nob in place. It makes life easier by holding it in place to open the drawer.

This is me in my garage pointing at the garage opener. It is a pulley. It makes life easier by opening and closing the garage.

This is me holding a knife. the knife is a wedge because it is sharp and can cut through things. It makes life easier by cutting through things.

This is me pointing to the fan. The fan is a wheel and axle.

it helps us by making air go through the room to cool off the room.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

My Drawling of simple machines!

In stem class, we had to do a drawling of three simple machines. i have drawn a flagpole, a fan, and a weight balence, the machienes are titled wheel and axle, pulley, and lever.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Simple machine

A machine is a tool used to help us with our everyday lives. It helps us get what we need for jobs or just for fun.

1- Me pointing at a handle on a door. It’s a lever because you turn the doorknob to open the door.

1- I am standing by the steps. The steps are an inclined plain because they incline to get you up and down the stairs.

3. The pencil dispenser is a lever because it has a handle that you push to get a pencil. It helps us by getting the pencil.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Hi, I'm Olivia. I love spending time with friends and family! My favorite animal is a horse and i love Soccer and basketball. (: In my everyday life i go to school, go to practice, spend time with family, do homework, and sleep. On weekends, i Go to the Movies, go shopping, or just hangout with friends. The one thing i want to do before i die is go to Hawaii for a vactation. I have a little sister that i spend a lot of my free time with. The one person i can go to for anything is My mom. The Biggest thing i regret in life is not living life to the fullest!